GJSC Header: Coordinates
As coordinates are not available for SJC at the time. I propose to add dummy coordinates pointing to disk center with a high uncertainty value covering the entire disk. This way we can use tools that expect a well-formatted header. the CSYERRi
keyword can represent this state.
CUNIT1 = 'arcsec ' / unit of axis 1
CDELT1 = 0.05 / [arcsec] step width per pixel
CTYPE1 = 'Angle HPC-LAT' / coordinate 1 is helioprojective latidude
CRVAL1 = 0 / [arcsec] offset of reference pixel
CRPIX1 = 1024 / reference pixel for axis 1
CSYER1 = 500 / Systematic Error along axis 1
CUNIT2 = 'arcsec ' / unit of axis 2
CDELT2 = 0.05 / [arcsec] step width per pixel
CTYPE2 = 'Angle HPC-LON' / coordinate 2 is helioprojective longitude
CRVAL2 = 0 / [arcsec] offset of reference pixel
CSYER2 = 500 / Systematic Error along axis 2
CRPIX2 = 1024 / reference pixel for axis 2
CUNIT3 = 's ' / units for time coordinate
CTYPE3 = 'UTC ' / coordinate 3 is time
CRVAL3 = 0 / [s] offset of reference pixel
CRPIX3 = 1 / reference pixel for axis 3