lars wavelength
Lars l1 files do not contain a Wavelength keyword by default. JLB provided a dirty fix:
; Routine to add the correct wavelength to a given LARS fits file
PRO ldrc_insert_wavelength, file
lam =mrdfits(file,1,h1)
lambda = round(mean(lam)*1d10)
;;copy par and insert value
val = sxpar (hdr, 'WAVELNTH', comment=comment, count=count)
print,'Adding Wavelength',lambda,' to ',file
fxaddpar, hdr, 'WAVELNTH', lambda, comment
mwrfits, data, file, hdr, iscale=[1, 32768], /silent, /create
mwrfits, lam, file, h1, /silent
mwrfits, meta, file, h2, /silent
This fix works for adding wavelengths to *chvtt.fits
files. On the long run, this should be added to the LARS pipeline.