Misleading Labels for GRIS Previews
The labels of the GRIS slit previews imply alignment along the X and Y axes of the Helioprojective coordinate system, while they are actually relative coordinates within the map. Make this clearer.
Also the colorbar of the plots does not seem to match up with the data. Investigate and label/omit.
Axis Lables -
Colorbar -
Re-run Preview generation -
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Excerpt of conversation:
yakobchuk 4:00 PM Hi Carl! What's up? Don't remember if I raised this: I think gris image preview labels are confusing, if not wrong. X/Y coords on top indicate center of the frame in helio-projective coord.sys., while deltaX and deltaY labels refer to instrumental relative coords. Here is a good example: https://archive.sdc.leibniz-kis.de/SDCDetailServlet?Instrument=gris&ObjectId=5ee10fdf871689ed8458baad The spot is clearly stretched along Y (LAT) (see whole sun image), while on the preview image it goes along deltaX. What do you think?
yakobchuk 4:21 PM Then regarding the colorbar: what are these numbers? I see they are much smaller than intensity data raw counts I get in grisview. Also, I think colorbar label is missing showing what is this (average intensity? polarization?) and in which units.
schaffer schaffer 9:38 AM Hey Taras,
you're completely right concerning the images, this is an issue that hadn't occured to me earlier, but it just came up to me a couple of days ago while checking the IFU coordinates. I agree that the names x and y are misleading as they don't represent actual coordinates. For slit data we should probably move to something like "parallel/horizontal" to slit. Philip also once proposed having two arrows on the image indicating the directions of Solar North and Disk center. I'll open an issue on kis_tools
👍 Thanks for the feedback.The colorbar we should probably omit or label as arbitrary units: The image data is taken from manolos .cm files, I'm not sure whether any preprocessing is done there beforehand, but there might well be something that causes a discrepancy to the values in the split files. I'll also add it to the issue.