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Set of routines and wrappers used for calibrating and splitting GRIS data at KIS This project is outdated! All development is done in the new grisred repo!
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Some IDL and Python routines for working with PcoGui FITS files
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Quality estimation for ChroTel data using simple descriptive statistics and unsupervised learning techniques.
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Collection of tools for KIS SDC: (Meta)Data Access wrappers, fits header reformatting, plotting
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Library of standard keyword definitions, instrument header templates and patches
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F90+MPI wrapper that reads the output from MuRAM cubes and calculates synthetic Stokes spectra using the SIR code. The conversion to optical depth is done using the same routines as SIR (gas, pe_frompg) to keep consistency between opacity packages.
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Forward and Inverse solver for the polarized radiative transfer equation in geometrical scale "dz". F90, MPI. Dependencies: LAPACK, FFTW
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